
18S_1F 18S-400R (Eukaryotes; nuclear 18S rDNA gene), amplify 336-423 pb, Pochon et.al.2013

PCR #1, Pag 148, 03 04 2020

PCR reaction

Cycling conditions (Touchdown)

- 20 cycles: 94°C 30 s, 62°C 30 s, (decresed by 0.5°C at each cycle) 72°C 1 min,

- 12 cycles: 94°C 30 s, 52°C 30 s 72°C 1 min,



DNA samples were extracted with Macherey Nagel MN kit on 10 22 2019. Non-specific amplification. I will increase annealing T° and reduce DNA concentration to 25ng.