How to make posts for this site
How to make a post for this site
- Write your post in markdown format. Here are links to markdown guides for help with formatting
- Start with “front matter” This is what tells github that your document becomes a post and what title it is, where the link should go, and what tags you are going to use. You always need to say the layout is a post, and that the permalink is /blog/ and followed by the name of the post md file:
layout: post
title: Title of Post
permalink: /blog/2019-09-09-post-name
- tag1
- tag2
- All of the md files have to be named with the correct convention:
- Write the md file using the above links with any information you want to provide
- To use an image, copy this code and just change the name of the image. NOTE: image names CANNOT have spaces in them
- If you are using a new primer/tag, tell Maggie and she will make a new page for the tag link
Adding things to the site
- First create a branch other then the master branch
- Then in that branch go to the posts folder
- Then click to add a new file
- Then title your file with the naming convention and .md and copy and paste in your markdown file. Or you could just write it in here
- Then click commit changes at the bottom of the page
- Add an image by going to the image folder, adding a file via upload and commiting that addition
- Then go to the code page for the branch you created, and click new pull request
- Make sure when you are doing a pull request it goes to my git up repository and not the person who created the website
- Then write a small message about what you are adding and click create pull request, the rest I should be able to do!