Testing mixing of pSPIN-BAC bacteria and DiNV DNA at Room Temp without Electroporation
I wondered wether the change from ice to warm buffer made the virus DNA go inside the bacteria cells (kinda like a heat shock) even without the electroporation and that was why all samples showed virus positive even if no electro treatment (previous tests). So if I did the process at room temp then maybe that wouldn’t happen.
- Prepared 2 tubes of 975ul SOC buffer to room temp
- Using last of exo-20 sample and a 1:10 diluted exo-20 sample
- Warmed LB and pSPIN-BAC cells to room temp
- pSPIN-BAC DNA no electro - tube 12A and 12B
- Added 25ul pSPIN-BAC cells to a tube 12A
- Added 2ul 20-exo DNA
- Immediately added 975ul of room temp SOC buffer and mix
- Transferred 490ul to a 1.5mL tube labeled “12B”
- Keep 12B rt
- Placed 12A in the 30C shaking incubator 1 hour
- pSPIN-BAC diluted DNA no electro - tube 13A and 13B
- Added 25ul pSPIN-BAC cells to a tube 13A
- Added 2ul 1:10 diluted 20-exo DNA
- Immediately added 975ul of room temp SOC buffer and mix
- Transferred 490ul to a 1.5mL tube labeled “13B”
- Keep 13B rt
- Placed 13A in the 30C shaking incubator 1 hour
Washing Cells
- Centrifuged B tubes 3 min at 6,000g
- Removed supernatant
- Resuspended pellets in 200ul LB
- Repeated above steps 4 more times for 5 washes
- Removed final supernatant and froze pellets of bacteria at -80C
- For A tubes after their 1 hour incubation, I also did 5 washes with 200ul of LB
- These tubes were not frozen and immediately went to DNA extraction
DNA extraction
- Used both the A and B tubes of bacteria cell pellets
- B tubes were taken from -80 and thawed on ice
- DNA extraction was done exactly as described in a previous post
PCRs on DNA Extracts
- The point was test all of the DNA samples for if they have retained DiNV DNA with PCR
- 4 PCRs were run on the samples, and the process followed the general PCR protocol completely. Master mix volumes are listed here:
reagent | p47 | 16S | lef 9 | lef 4 |
GoTaq | 32.5ul | 32.5ul | 32.5ul | 32.5ul |
F primer | 1.625ul | 1.625ul | 1.625ul | 1.625ul |
R primer | 1.625ul | 1.625ul | 1.625ul | 1.625ul |
molecular grade water | 22.75ul | 22.75ul | 22.75ul | 22.75ul |
- All PCR programs were run for 30 cycles, and program information can be found here
- 1% gel was run at 90V for 45 minutes to resolve the bands: