Taking Samples and Fluid Changing Flasks at the 3 Week Mark for Experimental DiNV Evolution in Dinn Cells

Cells were inoculated on the 26th of Sept see post here. There are 3 replicate flasks that have been left to grow and get infected in the 23C incubator for 21 days. I am only removing supernatant for samples, the cells are not getting passed throughout this experiment, the only thing that happens is a tri-weekly fluid change (once every three weeks).

All steps took place in the cell culture hood

  • Warmed the 10% FBS, 4% mushroom Schneider’s medium with antibiotics in the hood to room temperature
  • Prepared 1.5mL tubes to take samples
  • Removed two samples 50ul from each flask before changing fluid and placed into the 1.5mL tubes:
tube # flask from
11 A
12 A
13 B
14 B
15 C
16 C
  • Removed 3mL of medium in each flask and discarded it into a 15mL conical. The conical was placed in the autoclave trash when full (should contain virus)
  • Added 3mL of 10% FBS, 4% mushroom Schneider’s medium with antibiotics to each flask gently
  • Gently rocked flasks to distribute the medium
  • Placed flasks back in the 23C incubator for another 3 weeks
  • Sample tubes were kept on ice, 3 were chosen for DNA extraction, the other 3 were frozen at -20

Sample information can be found here