Starting Through-put Mo'orea Coral Extractions

18 DNA only extractions from Porites and Pocillopora Corals from Mo’orea

Using the Zymo Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus kit

Sample Prep

Sample # Type
5 Massive Porites
8 Massive Porites
49 Pocillopora verrucosa
50 Pocillopora verrucosa
67 Massive Porites
70 Massive Porites
192 Pocillopora verrucosa
198 Massive Porites
220 Pocillopora verrucosa
246 Pocillopora verrucosa
338 Massive Porites
364 Pocillopora verrucosa
172 Pocillopora verrucosa
176 Pocillopora verrucosa
186 Pocillopora verrucosa
384 Pocillopora verrucosa
405 Massive Porites
424 Massive Porites
  • New Beads were poured into sample tubes. The new beads should be easier to pipette the liquid out of them as the do not get sucked up by the p20
  • Samples were homogenized by vortexing for ~30 seconds for all samples
  • Most of the liquid from the tubes was removed by pipetting. This was about 300µl. The tubes contained a small amount of liquid and un-homogenized tissue left, so 200µl of DNA/RNA shield was added to each tube and those were put back into the -20
  • Following recommendations for samples in DNA/RNA Shield from the kit protocol, 150µl of Solid Tissue Buffer and 10µl of Proteinase K were added to each sample
  • Samples were votexed, spun down, and incubated at 55 degrees C for 5 hours shaking at 600rpm

DNA Extraction

  1. Centrifuged all tubes at 12,000 rcf for 1 minute to pellet any debris and beads
  2. Removed supernatant into new 1.5mL tubes
  3. Added 1 volume (420µl) Genomic Binding Buffer to each tube, vortexed and spun down
  4. 700µl of sample was added to the kit spin column and centrifuged at 12,000 rcf for 1 minute
  5. Collection tubes were discarded
  6. The rest of the coral samples were run through the column in the same way
  7. Added 400µl DNA Pre-Wash Buffer, centrifuged at 12,000 rcf for 1 minute, and discarded the flow through
  8. Added 700µl G-DNA Wash Buffer, centrifuged at 12,000 rcf for 1 minute, and discarded the flow through
  9. Added 200µl G-DNA Wash Buffer, centrifuged at 12,000 rcf for 1 minute, and discarded the collection tube
  10. Columns were transferred to 1.5mL tubes
  11. Added 50µl warmed 70 degrees C 10mM Tris-HCl directly to the column filter and incubated at room temp for 5 minutes
  12. Centrifuged for 1 minute at 12,000 rcf
  13. Repeated steps 11 and 12 one more time
  14. Stored tubes in fridge to qubit the next immediately


  • Broad Range dsDNA Qubit protocol
  • Qubit was performed by Marygrace Trusdell
  • All samples were read twice
Sample DNA Standard 1 (RFU) DNA Standard 2 (RFU) DNA 1 (ng/µl) DNA 2 (ng/µl) Average DNA
5 232 20534 36 36.2 36.1
8 232 20534 24.6 24.2 24.4
49 232 20534 70 70.6 70.3
50 232 20534 73.4 73 73.2
67 232 20534 7.06 6.90 6.97
70 232 20534 38.8 39 38.9
192 232 20534 67.2 65.8 66.5
198 232 20534 40.8 40.8 40.8
220 232 20534 20.2 19.7 20
246 232 20534 36.2 34 35.1
338 232 20534 22.6 22 22.3
364 232 20534 46 50 48
172 232 20534 128 126 125
176 232 20534 86 86 86
186 232 20534 31.2 32.4 31.7
384 232 20534 54 54 54
405 232 20534 23.8 24.4 32.1
424 232 20534 48.6 47.8 47.2

Gel Verification

  • A 1.5% agarose gel was ran to check the integrity of the genomic DNA
  • Following the PPP Lab protocol
  • Gel was run by Marygrace Trusdell
  • Two samples are from Kevin Wong’s Astrangia homogenates


Samples 67, 220, and 338 don’t look like they are very good quality. I am going to try to re-extract from 67 and 220 because those are quite low. I should also try 338. This gel was run on the 18th, which is after I started the next extraction.

Written on April 15, 2019