Preparing Libraries from RNA from Dinn-1 Cells Infected with DiNV Set 2
Using the NEBNext® Ultra™ II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina®. I had previously aliquoted out all the reagents into single-use tubes for 2 sets of 8 sample reactions, 2 sets of 21 sample reactions, and 2 sets of 16 sample reactions.
This lib prep kit is used in conjunction with NEBNext® Poly(A) mRNA Magnetic Isolation Module for mRNA isolation.
1000ng (1ug) input RNA was used for each sample. All sample info can be found here.
Sample prep
- Thawed RNA on ice
- Wiped down whole bench and all equipment with RNase away
- Prepared samples in strip tubes:
Sample | ul RNA for 1000ng | ul nuclease free water to 50ul |
2 | 8.3 | 41.7 |
3 | 8.3 | 41.7 |
4 | 6.7 | 43.3 |
10 | 8.3 | 41.7 |
11 | 8.3 | 41.7 |
12 | 7.2 | 42.8 |
26 | 6.7 | 43.3 |
27 | 7.2 | 42.8 |
28 | 6.3 | 43.7 |
42 | 6.7 | 43.3 |
43 | 6.3 | 43.7 |
44 | 6.3 | 43.7 |
14 | 7.2 | 42.8 |
15 | 8.3 | 41.7 |
16 | 6.7 | 43.3 |
30 | 7.2 | 42.8 |
31 | 6.7 | 43.3 |
32 | 6 | 44 |
46 | 6 | 44 |
47 | 6 | 44 |
48 | 6 | 44 |
mRNA capture and 1st Strand
- Prepared 1st strand reaction buffer on ice
- Using an 8 sample aliquot
- Thawed reaction buffer and random primers on ice
- Vortexed and spun them down
- Prepped mix:
- 8ul 1st strand buffer * 22 = 176ul
- 2ul random primers * 22 = 44ul
- 10ul nuclease free water * 22 = 220ul
- Pipette mixed buffer and kept on ice
- Prepared dT beads:
- 20ul oligo dT beads * 22 = 440ul
- 100ul RNA binding buffer * 22 = 2200ul
- This can’t be done in 1 tube, so I made 3 and in each was:
- 146.6ul oligo dT beads
- 733.3ul RNA binding buffer
- Pipetted 8 times to wash beads
- Placed on magnet rack until clear
- Removed supernatant
- Removed tube from rack
- Added 733.3ul 2X binding buffer and pipette mixed 6 times
- Placed on magnet rack until clear
- Removed supernatant
- Removed tube from rack
- Added 366.5ul 2X binding buffer to beads and pipette mixed 6 times
- Added 50ul of bed mixture to each sample tube and pipette mixed 6 times (the 1000ng samples)
- Placed samples in thermocycler 65C for 5 min then to 4C hold - NRNA1 lid set to 80C
- Removed tubes
- Pipette mixed samples 6x
- Incubated samples at room temp for 5 minutes
- Placed samples on magnet rack
- Removed supernatant
- Removed tube from rack
- Added 200ul wash buffer to each tube and pipette mixed
- Placed tubes on mag rack
- Removed supernatant when clear
- Removed supernatant
- Removed tube from rack
- Added 200ul wash buffer to each tube and pipette mixed
- Placed tubes on mag rack
- Removed supernatant when clear
- Removed tube from rack
- Added 50ul tris buffer (from kit) to each sample and pipette mixed
- Placed samples in thermocycler 80C for 2 min then 25C hold - NRNA2 lid set to 105
- Removed tubes
- ADded 50ul RNA binding buffer to each tube and pipetted 6x
- Incubated tubes at rom temp for 5 min
- Placed tubes on mag rack
- Discarded supernatant
- Removed tube from rack
- Added 200ul wash buffer to each tube and pipette mixed
- Spun down tubes quickly
- Placed tubes on mag rack
- Removed supernatant when clear
- Spun down tubes again
- Placed back on rack and removed any leftover supernatant
- Removed tube from rack
- Added 11.5ul 1st strand buffer mix and resuspended the beads in each tube
- Placed tubes in thermocycler 15 min at 94C then 4C hold - NRNA3 lid set to 105
- Made a new set of strip tubes
- Thawed strand specific reagent and 1st strand enzyme on ice
- Took samples out before it got to 4C and placed on ice to cool for 1 min
- Spun down tubes quickly then placed on the magnet
- Quickly transferred 10ul of supernatant to the new set of strip tubes
- Placed tubes on ice
- Made 1st strand synthesis reaction mix on ice:
- 8ul strand specific reagent * 22 = 176ul
- 2ul 1st strand enzyme * 22 = 44ul
- Pipette mixed
- Added 10ul 1st strand reaction mix to each sample and pipette mixed
- Placed tubes in thermocycler 1st strand reaction program - NRNA4 lid set to 105:
- 10min at 25C
- 15min at 42C
- 15min at 70C
- Hold at 4C
- Afterwards placed tubes on ice
- Made sure to keep PCR machine lid open after this program so it could cool
2nd Strand Synthesis
- Thawed 2nd strand synthesis buffer and 2nd strand enzyme on ice
- Prepared 2nd strand master mix:
- 8ul 2nd strand synthesis buffer * 22 = 176ul
- 4ul 2nd strand enzyme * 22 = 88ul
- 48ul nuclease free water * 22 = 1056ul
- Pipette mixed and kept on ice
- Added 60ul mix to samples on ice and pipette mixed 10x
- Placed samples in thermocycler 1 hour at 16C - NRNA5 lid set to OFF!
Bead clean after 2nd strand synthesis
Note: used the multichannel for these
- Warmed and resuspended Ampure XP beads to room temp with gentle swirling
- Prepared fresh 80% ethanol
- After program, placed samples on bench
- Added 144ul Ampure beads to each tube (1.8x) and pipette mixed 10x
- Placed tubes on the orbital shaker at 150rpm for 10 minutes
- Placed tubes on the magnet rack, then placed the rack on the orbital shaker for at least 10 minutes
- the volume is really high here so it takes a long time for the beads to come to the magnet
- Remove the clear supernatant (over 200ul)
- Add 200ul 80% ethanol to each tube still on the rack avoiding the beads
- Remove the ethanol
- Add another 200ul 80% ethanol to each tube still on the rack avoiding the beads
- Remove all ethanol, go back in after the p200 with a p20 and remove any residual liquid
- Look at tubes and remove any droplets of ethanol present on the sides of the tubes with a pipette tips
- Resuspend beads off the magnet in 53ul of 0.1X TE buffer
- Incubate the tubes on the shaker at 150rpm for 5 min
- Make a new set of strip tubes
- Place tubes on the magnet
- Remove the clear supernatant (50ul) to the new set of tubes
- Place samples on ice
End Prep
- Thawed end prep buffer and end prep enzyme on ice
- Note that the buffer had a lot of precipitate, I had just warmed it to room temp and mixed it a lot before placing on ice. This could be because the kit is expired
- Prepared end prep master mix on ice:
- 7ul end prep buffer * 22 = 154ul
- 3ul end prep enzyme * 22 = 66ul
- Pipette mixed and kept on ice
- Added 10ul end prep mix to each sample
- Pipette mixed each tube 10x with 50ul
- Placed tubes in thermocycler NRNA6 lis set to 105:
- 30 min at 20C
- 30 min at 65C
- 4C hold
- Afterwards, placed samples on ice
- You must either cool the lid down after this or use another thermocycler because the next program needs the lid at 20C
Adapter Ligation
- Thawed NEB next adapter, adapter buffer, ligation enhancer, ligation mix, and USER enzyme on ice
- Diluted NEB next adapter by 5 (based on kit recommendations for 1ug input)
- I need 55ul total of adapter
- 11ul NEBNext adapter
- 44ul adapter buffer
- Vortexed and spun down
- Made adapter ligation mix on ice:
- 1ul ligation enhancer * 22 = 22ul
- 30ul ligation mix * 22 = 660ul (this is very viscous)
- Pipette to mix (very important, DNA ligase cannot be vortexed)
- Added 31ul ligation mix to each sample
- Added 2.5ul diluted adapter to each sample
- Pipette mixed each sample with 80ul 10 times (viscous)
- Placed in thermocycler 20C for 15 min - NRNA7 lid set to OFF!
- Take out tubes
- Add 3ul USER enzyme to each tube
- Pipette mix with 80ul
- Place in thermocycler 37C for 15 min - NRNA8 - lid set to 45C
Bead Purification 2
Note: used the multichannel for these
- Took tubes out of thermocycler to bench
- Added 87ul beads to each tube and pipette mixed 10x
- Placed tubes on the orbital shaker at 150rpm for 10 minutes
- Placed tubes on the magnet rack, then placed the rack on the orbital shaker for some time if needed
- the volume is still high here and may need shaking
- Remove the clear supernatant (over 200ul)
- Add 200ul 80% ethanol to each tube still on the rack avoiding the beads
- Remove the ethanol
- Add another 200ul 80% ethanol to each tube still on the rack avoiding the beads
- Remove all ethanol, go back in after the p200 with a p20 and remove any residual liquid
- Look at tubes and remove any droplets of ethanol present on the sides of the tubes with a pipette tips
- Resuspend beads off the magnet in 17ul of 0.1X TE buffer
- Incubate the tubes on the shaker at 150rpm for 5 min
- Make a new set of strip tubes
- Place tubes on the magnet
- Remove the clear supernatant (15ul) to the new set of tubes
- Place samples on ice
Index Amplification
- During the bead clean, thawed the index place on ice, then spun it down in the large centrifuge
- Index pairs for each sample had already been planned, see this spreadsheet
- Thawed Q5 mix on ice, vortexed, and spun down
- Added 25ul Q5 mix to each sample
- Added 10ul of the planned index to each tube - plate needs to be pierced with pipette tip to get into single use wells
- Pipette mixed each tube with 40ul and spun down tubes
- Placed tubes in thermocycler NRNA9 lid at 105:
- 98C 30 sec
- 98C 10 sc
- 65C 75 sec
- 65C 5 min
- 4C hold
- Note that italic lins were cycled 10 times (this was later changed to 9)
Bead Clean 3
Note: used the multichannel for these
- Took tubes out of thermocycler to bench
- Added 45ul beads (0.9x) to each tube and pipette mixed 10x
- Placed tubes on the orbital shaker at 150rpm for 10 minutes
- Placed tubes on the magnet rack and wait for it to become clear
- Remove the clear supernatant (over 200ul)
- Add 200ul 80% ethanol to each tube still on the rack avoiding the beads
- Remove the ethanol
- Add another 200ul 80% ethanol to each tube still on the rack avoiding the beads
- Remove all ethanol, go back in after the p200 with a p20 and remove any residual liquid
- Look at tubes and remove any droplets of ethanol present on the sides of the tubes with a pipette tips
- Resuspend beads off the magnet in 23ul of 0.1X TE buffer
- Incubate the tubes on the shaker at 150rpm for 5 min
- Make a new set of strip tubes
- Place tubes on the magnet
- Remove the clear supernatant (21ul) to the new set of tubes
- Place samples on ice
- I immediately qubitd the samples:
HS DNA Qubit
Sample | ng/ul |
2 | 19.3 |
3 | 20.1 |
4 | 24.4 |
10 | 15.4 |
11 | 18.5 |
12 | 25.9 |
26 | 26 |
27 | 16.8 |
28 | 46 |
42 | 45.5 |
44 | 39.5 |
14 | 26.3 |
15 | 29 |
16 | 36.5 |
30 | 36.8 |
31 | 39.9 |
32 | 49.4 |
46 | 42.1 |
47 | 45.7 |
48 | 58.1 |
Samples were frozen at -20 until pooling