Making Wash and Blocking Solutions for DiNV Titering with Already Plated Dv-1 Cells
80% acetone
- 2 50mL conicals made
- 40mL optima acetone
- 10mL molecular grade water
- Stored a -20
Blocking buffer
- DPBS with 0.01% tween and 1% BSA
- Made 2 150mL bottles that were 0.22um sterile filtered
- 1.5g BSA powder (from 4012 fridge)
- 150mL DPBS
- 150ul tween solution
- Mixed in larger beaker then sterile filtered into two bottles
- Stored at 4C
Conjugate solution
- DPBS with 1% BSA
- 1 50mL conical
- 0.5g BSA powder
- 50mL DPBS
- Mixed in 50mL conical and vortexed to mix
- Sterile filtered 0.22um
- Stored at 4C
Wash solution was DPBS stored at 4C