DNA Extraction and TPI/p47 PCRs of A Few Samples from Replicate 2 of the Male and Female D. innubila 16 Cq Injections

DNA Extractions 20231109

I want to make sure that there was no contamination of my controls during this experiment (Taiye had some contamination in his flies and I want to make sure that this was not a result of contaminated materials that we shared). Additionally I would like to do a little more qPCR on flies who died from virus infection (we think), so I need their DNA extracted.

These were the samples chosen for DNA extraction:

tube sex day frozen treatment
1 female day0 CCM
2 female day0 CCM
8 male day0 CCM
77 female day18 CCM
78 male day18 CCM
79 male day18 CCM
22 female day6 CCM
74 female day18 CCM
14 female day0 16Cq DiNV
15 female day0 16Cq DiNV
17 male day0 16Cq DiNV
21 male day3 16Cq DiNV
88 female day18 16Cq DiNV
46 female day9 16Cq DiNV
47 male day9 16Cq DiNV
57 female day9 16Cq DiNV
62 male day10 16Cq DiNV
65 female day12 16Cq DiNV

You can see all sample information here

DNA extraction followed this protocol exactly. Care was taken to make sure control samples were done in first order, than the infected samples. Two extraction controls were also included in this extraction.

PCRs 20231110

PCRs for TPI and p47 followed this general protocol, where I PCRd every sample including the extraction controls. A negative and positive control for each primer was run. Primer information can be found here

Because of gel constraints, samples were run over 2 separate gels

TPI for all samples but the extraction controls :

p47 for almost all samples:

And the last section on this gel has the 2 extraction controls with TPI, and the remaining p47 samples:

Full information on the samples and their PCR results can be found here

Notably, the one female fly who did not die but got injected with DiNV did not show the virus when the experiment ended.