Extracting DNA from Cell and Supernatant Fluid from Myd88 and Dv-1 DiNV Test Infections

On the 13th, the day 5 samples were taken: supernatant was frozen at -80 in 1.5mL tubes and 1mL of 1X PBS was added to each well of the plate and the plate was frozen at -80C as well. I followed the same basic protocol as the last cell/supernatant extraction I did, except I halved all of the volumes.

Sample info:

sample_ID extraction_number plate_day infection cell_type sample_type date_frozen PBS_added date_put_in_tube
D0A1S 1 0 yes Dv1 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0A2S 2 0 yes Myd88 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0A3S 3 0 no Dv1 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0A4S 4 0 no Myd88 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0B1S 5 0 yes Dv1 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0B2S 6 0 yes Myd88 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0B3S 7 0 no Dv1 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0B4S 8 0 no Myd88 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0C1S 9 0 yes Dv1 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0C2S 10 0 yes Myd88 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0C3S 11 0 no Dv1 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0C4S 12 0 no Myd88 supernatant 20230208 NA 20230208
D0A1C 13 0 yes Dv1 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D0A2C 14 0 yes Myd88 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D0A3C 15 0 no Dv1 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D0A4C 16 0 no Myd88 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D0B1C 17 0 yes Dv1 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D0B2C 18 0 yes Myd88 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D0B3C 19 0 no Dv1 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D0B4C 20 0 no Myd88 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D0C1C 21 0 yes Dv1 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D0C2C 22 0 yes Myd88 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D0C3C 23 0 no Dv1 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D0C4C 24 0 no Myd88 cells 20230208 1mL 20230214
D5A1S 25 5 yes Dv1 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5A2S 26 5 yes Myd88 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5A3S 27 5 no Dv1 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5A4S 28 5 no Myd88 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5B1S 29 5 yes Dv1 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5B2S 30 5 yes Myd88 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5B3S 31 5 no Dv1 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5B4S 32 5 no Myd88 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5C1S 33 5 yes Dv1 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5C2S 34 5 yes Myd88 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5C3S 35 5 no Dv1 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5C4S 36 5 no Myd88 supernatant 20230213 NA 20230213
D5A1C 37 5 yes Dv1 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214
D5A2C 38 5 yes Myd88 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214
D5A3C 39 5 no Dv1 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214
D5A4C 40 5 no Myd88 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214
D5B1C 41 5 yes Dv1 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214
D5B2C 42 5 yes Myd88 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214
D5B3C 43 5 no Dv1 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214
D5B4C 44 5 no Myd88 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214
D5C1C 45 5 yes Dv1 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214
D5C2C 46 5 yes Myd88 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214
D5C3C 47 5 no Dv1 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214
D5C4C 48 5 no Myd88 cells 20230213 1mL 20230214

DNA Extraction

  • All samples were thawed on ice
  • Lysis solution was chilled on ice until opaque
  • When the plates were thawed, I pipetted the liquid into labeled tubes (see spreadsheet above)
  • The cell tubes were then spun down for 5 minutes at 1,500g in the centrifuge to try to pellet the cells (I thought the volume of PBS was too much)
  • Then I removed 600ul of liquid from each of the cell tubes, leaving about 300ul (to hopefully concentrate it)
  • Made a new 1.5mL tube for each of the 48 samples
  • Mixed all samples before pipetting
  • Added 50ul of supernatant sample to their designated tubes (1-12 and 25-36)
  • Added 1ul of 1000:1 diluted lambda DNA to each supernatant extraction tube
  • Added 50ul of cell sample to their designated tubes (13-24 and 37-48)
  • Using the Qiagen Puregene Blood and Tissue reagents/method
  • Turned on the heat blocks to 65C and 37C and chilled the cell lysis solution on ice until cloudy
  • Added 250ul of chilled cell lysis solution to each tube and pipette mixed 10X
  • Incubated tubes in the heat block at 65C for 10 minutes
  • Diluted RNase A 1:100, 2ul in 198ul of nuclease free water
  • Let tubes come to room temp after the heat block
  • Added 3ul of RNase A to each tube
  • Flipped the tubes 25X to mix them
  • Incubated tubes at 37C for 30 minutes in the heat block
  • Let tubes come to room temp after incubation
  • Added 100ul of protein precipitation solution to each tube
  • Vortexed tubes ~10 sec
  • Placed tubes on ice for 5 min
  • Centrifuged tubes 16,300g for 3 minutes (had to be done in 2 batches)
  • Made new tubes with 300ul of fresh 100% isopropanol with final tube labels
  • Transferred the supernatant from the centrifugation (~400ul) to the new tubes with the isopropanol
  • Inverted the tubes 50X
  • Centrifuged the tubes 16,300g for 5 minutes (2 batches)
  • Discarded the supernatant
    • Note that I didn’t see a pellet in any of the samples
  • Added 300ul of fresh 70% ethanol to each tube
  • Inverted 3X
  • Centrifuged tubes 16,300g 5 min (2 batches)
  • Discarded supernatant
  • Let tubes air dry upside down on a kim wipe for ~1 hour
  • Resuspended DNA in 20ul of DNA hydration solution and let tubes sit overnight
  • Tubes were put in the -20 the next day