More training on Infections with Serratia on D. innubila and D. innubila

My previous attempt at infections was not completely informational based on the mortality. I could have either poked too lightly or that innubila are more resistant to serratia infections - both could be true. This time I am trying different ODs of serratia, and also adding melanogaster flies.

I had previously separated out 8 vials of innubila, each with 22 males and 10 females. These had aged 7-10 days in the incubator. There was some loss of fly life with these. Melanogaster flies from Kistie were a little older, probably 12-14 days but they would do for a test.

20220904 Making Sugar Agar Vials and Growing Serratia Overnight

Sugar Agar

  • Made up 30 vials
  • Recipe:
    • 33.2g sugar
    • 8g drosophila agar
    • 400mL DI water
  • Combined these into a 1L flask and microwaved until boiling
    • This was basically impossible to not boil over
  • When it had boiled and was clear, let sit on the counter until it was 60C
  • Measured 0.8g tegosept and dissolved it in 95% ethanol
  • At 60C, added the tegosept and mixed on the stir plate
  • Used serological pipettes to add 10mL of sugar agar to each vial
    • There was a little left over
  • Covered the vials in a pillow case and let cure overnight
  • Next day stored in the fridge with press-n-seal covering

Growing Serratia

  • Using the Unkless lab strain # 93
  • Made up 3 liquid culture LB tubes
  • Picked 1 colony from the plate and put into the culture tubes
  • Placed in the 37C incubator overnight

20220905 Infections


  • Let bulb warm up for 10 minutes before use
  • Plan was to make 0.1, 1, and 4 ODs
  • I titrated drops of culture and LB, and used a concentrated bacterial culture to get the correct OD readings. This took me about 30 minutes. I felt like I was running short on time so I ended up not making an OD of 4, but just getting it to ~3 and using that one
  • Exact ODs were: 0.099, 1.004, and 3.153
  • Each one was pipetted into a 0.6mL tube, and an LB tube was made as well
  • Test tubes were bleached and the area was cleaned with 70% ethanol

Serratia Infections

  • Plan was to do 30 LB innubila, 40 0.1 OD innubila, 40 1 OD innubila, and 40 3 OD innubila. I also got some melanogaster c564 flies from Kistie to also try infecting. I wanted to do 20 LB dmel, 20 0.1 OD dmel, and 20 1 OD dmel
  • Process for infecting flies:
    • Got a new tube of 95% ethanol
    • Cleaned a probe and an infection needle
    • Prepared/labeled 2 sugar agar vials per vial of innubila or 2 molasses vials per vial of c564
    • Dumped the fly vial on the C02 and recorded the time on the vial
    • Sexed flies and split number of males in half. Half would get 1 treatment, and the other half would get a different one. The order of what treatment/poke they got I varied throughout
    • I infected half the flies, dipping the needle in the infection liquid after each fly, then put the flies in their new vial, then disinfected the probe and the needle. Then I moved on to the other half of the flies
    • I tried hard this time to be more consistent with my poking, and I tried to poke more below the wing joint which is softer
  • Set up for innubila:
vial # infected with N# time put on CO2 Extra time on CO2?
1 LB 9 3:40pm no
2 0.1 9 3:40pm 11 min on CO2
3 1 9 3:53pm no
4 3 9 3:53pm no
5 1 8 4:03pm no
6 0.1 8 4:03pm no
7 3 7 4:13pm no
8 LB 7 4:13pm no
9 LB 9 4:21pm no
10 1 9 4:21pm no
11 0.1 7 4:30pm no
12 3 7 4:30pm no
13 3 9 4:39pm no
14 1 9 4:39pm no
15 0.1 10 4:47pm no
  • Set up for c564 melanogaster
vial # infected with N# time put on CO2 Extra time on CO2?
1 LB 10 4:54pm no
2 0.1 10 4:54pm no
3 1 10 5:04pm no
4 0.1 10 5:04pm no
5 LB 10 5:13pm no
6 1 10 5:13pm no