Cell Culture Inventory on 20220715

I started taking pictures of the flasks I throw out to show the comparison of a flask that looks good/promising vs a flask where I think all the cells are dead.


SPZ primary 5/10

  • 3 flasks
  • Does not look like any cells are alive
  • Nothing is attached, they are all floating
  • Some places have clumps that settled but they look dead
  • Thrown out

SPZ primary 05/09

  • 2 flasks
  • Same as 5/10, but there are no areas where clumps have even settled
  • Thrown out

SPZ primary 06/16

  • 1 flask
  • Things have settled but it seems too small, they don’t look like alive cells to me
  • Thrown out

SPZ primary 06/17

  • 3 flasks
  • Same as 6/16
  • Lots of dead cells and no evidence of alive cells

IMD null primary 05/23

  • 5 flasks
  • Any cells not dead are floating and not attached
  • It doesn’t look like anything has grown out at all
  • Thrown out

32064 Dicer 2 04/25

  • 3 flasks
  • Flasks are full of dead cells and clumps of cells that are all still floating
  • Thrown out

33098 Dicer 2 primary 06/10

  • 2 flasks
  • Lots of floating clumps of dead cells
  • Anything settled has not grown out and looks shrunken
  • Thrown out

10263 Domeless primary 03/09

  • 1 flask
  • Very few areas with grow out
  • Lots of floating clumps of cells that look kind of alive but not really growing
  • Keep

10263 Domeless primary 06/02

  • 3 flasks
  • Lots of floating clumps of dead cells, nothing growing out
  • Thrown out

Myd88 P4 06/29

  • Looking really good

Myd88 P5 06/29

  • Also looking great


primary 04/25

  • 3 flasks
  • 1 flask with nothing - thrown out
  • 1 flask with a big area of growth and lots of floating unsettled clumps
  • Last flask had almost nothing and was also thrown out

Primary 05/03

  • 3 flasks
  • 1 flask with a large area of growth
  • 1 flask with a small area of growth
  • 1 flask with a lot of stringy growth

Primary 05/02

  • 2 flasks
  • Both flasks have significant areas of growth and many floating clumps

Primary 01/13

  • 1 flask
  • Some areas of really good growth but there is a lot of precipitation too and I’m not sure what to do about it

Primary 05/24

  • 2 flasks
  • Very little going on, some floating clumps but nothing growing or settled
  • Thrown out

Primary 06/03

  • 2 flasks
  • Same as 05/24 flasks
  • Thrown out

Primary 06/16

  • 3 flasks
  • Pretty much all the clumps of cells are dead
  • Thrown out

Primary 06/17

  • 3 flasks
  • The same as 06/16 flasks
  • Thrown out

Secondary 04/25 from 02/24

  • 3 flasks
  • 2 flasks don’t have very much going on
  • 1 flask does seem to have some single cell growing areas

Secondary 04/25 from 02/25

  • 3 flasks
  • 1 flask with multiple areas of growth
  • Other two flasks have a little growth
  • Lots of precipitate

Secondary 06/06 from 02/25

  • 2 flasks
  • LOTS of precipitate
  • Almost all cell clumps are settled but not very much growth yet

Secondary 06/06 from 02/24

  • 2 flasks
  • Similar to above
  • Lots and lots of precipitate