Testing p47_q, 115, Lef 9 and Lef 4 PCR Primers on 3mLC Gel Extracted DNA. These Are Other Primers for DiNV
Lef_9 and Lef_4 PCRs 20220119
- These two primers have similar sizes and annealing temps so I am going to do them at the same time
- Tm is ~60 degrees C, so annealing temp I will try is 55 degrees C
- Lef_9 is 941bp long and Lef_4 is 788bp long
- Generated 10uM working stock primers from these
- Each tube gets 90ul of molecular grade water
- Then each tube gets 10ul of their respective F or R primer
- Using GoTaq mix
- There are 4 samples, and I need a neg and positive control too, so 6 samples
- Made master mix for Lef_9:
- 33ul GoTaq mix
- 23.1ul molecular grade water
- 1.65ul Lef_9_F primer
- 1.65ul Lef_9_R primer
- Made master mix for Lef_4:
- 33ul GoTaq mix
- 23.1ul molecular grade water
- 1.65ul Lef_4_F primer
- 1.65ul Lef_4_R primer
- One set of strip tubes got 9ul of Lef_9 mix, one set of strip tubes got 9ul of Lef_4 mix
- Each set got 1ul of DNA, or 1ul of H20 (neg control):
- 1: 3mLC 150
- 2: 3mLC UP
- 3: 3mLC LOW
- 4: 3mLC ADD
- 5: Neg control
- 6: Pos control
- Samples were vortexed and spun down, then put into the PCR machine 55TEST long program:
- 95 degrees C 3 minutes
- 95 degrees C 30 seconds
- 55 degrees C 30 minute
- 72 degrees C 1 minute
- 72 degrees C 5 minutes
- 12 degree C hold
- bold sections are cycled 34 times
- Samples were put in the fridge afterward and gelled the next day
- 20220120 1% gel ran at 90V for 35 min:
p47_q and 115 PCRs 20220120
- These two primers have similar sizes and annealing temps so I am going to do them at the same time
- Tm is ~60 degrees C, so annealing temp I will try is 55 degrees C
- p47_q is 87bp in size and 115 is 43bp in size, very small!
- Generated 10uM working stock primers for 115 (already had one for p47_q)
- Each tube gets 90ul of molecular grade water
- Then each tube gets 10ul of either 115_R or 115_R
- Using GoTaq mix
- There are 4 samples, and I need a neg and positive control too, so 6 samples
- Made master mix for p47_q:
- 33ul GoTaq mix
- 23.1ul molecular grade water
- 1.65ul p47_q_F primer
- 1.65ul p47_q_R primer
- Made master mix for 115:
- 33ul GoTaq mix
- 23.1ul molecular grade water
- 1.65ul 115_F primer
- 1.65ul 115_R primer
- One set of strip tubes got 9ul of p47_q mix, one set of strip tubes got 9ul of 115 mix
- Each set got 1ul of DNA, or 1ul of H20 (neg control):
- 1: 3mLC 150
- 2: 3mLC UP
- 3: 3mLC LOW
- 4: 3mLC ADD
- 5: Neg control
- 6: Pos control
- Samples were vortexed and spun down, then put into the PCR machine 55TEST program:
- 95 degrees C 3 minutes
- 95 degrees C 30 seconds
- 55 degrees C 30 minute
- 72 degrees C 30 seconds
- 72 degrees C 5 minutes
- 12 degree C hold
- bold sections are cycled 34 times
- 20220120 2% gel ran at 90V for 30 min: