Third Test of Zymo Quick DNA Miniprep Extraction Kit on Horseshoe Crab Tissue
3 More DNA Extraction Tests on Horseshoe Crab Samples from Natalie, Tying Much Smaller Sample Pieces
Samples: 797, 822, and 887 Extraction kit
Sample Prep and Incubation
- Thawed samples on ice
- Made 3 1.5mL tubes with 800ul of DNA/RNA Shield
- 10% bleach, DI and ETOH forceps and scalpel
- Placed new foil down for each tissue
- Cut very small pieces of tissue, 1-2cm2, and minced until flat, avoided all cuticle/exoskeleton
- Added tissue to the 1.5mL tubes with 300ul of DNA/RNA shield, one for each piece
- Added 150ul of solid tissue buffer to each tube (blue)
- Added 15ul proteinase K to each tube
- Vortexed each tube for 10 seconds
Spun the tubes down quickly in the minifuge 797
- Placed sample tubes in the thermomixer at 55 degrees C shaking at 1200rpm at 9am
- After 1 hour they looked pretty well digested, let go for 1 more hour though
DNA Extraction
- After incubation, centrifuged tubes at 1300 rcf for 1 min to pellet and insoluble debris
- Took off supernatant (~450ul) and put into new 1.5mL tubes (pellet small but visible)
- Added equal volume (450ul) DNA binding buffer to each tube
- Vortexed and spun down tubes
- Set up 1 spin column and collection tube per sample
- Warmed 10mM Tris HCl to 70 degrees C in the thermomixer
- Added 700ul of each sample to their labeled spin columns
- Centrifuged at 13000 rcf for 1 min
- Discarded flow through
- Added the rest of the liquid to the spin columns and centrifuged in the same way
- Transferred columns to new collection tubes
- Added 400ul DNA pre-wash buffer to each column
- Centrifuged 13000 rcf for 1 minute and discarded flow through
- Added 700ul DNA wash buffer to each column
- Centrifuged 13000 rcf for 1 minute and discarded flow through
- Added 400ul DNA wash buffer to each column
- Centrifuged 13000 rcf for 1 minute and discarded flow through
- Made 1.5mL tubes labeled completely with sample names and information
- Transferred spin columns to those 1.5mL tubes
- Added 50ul of warmed 10mM tris HCl by dripping to each spin column filter
- Incubated columns for 5 minutes
- Centrifuged columns for 1 min at 13000 rcf
- Repeated last 3 steps once
- Placed tubes on ice afterwards
- Broad range dsDNA qubit (protocol)
- Amounts are in ng/ul and samples were read twice
Sample | Reading 1 | Reading 2 | Average DNA (ng/ul) |
standard 1 | 178 | - | - |
standard 2 | 19690 | - | - |
797 | 37.6 | 37 | 37.3 |
822 | 24.6 | 24.6 | 24.6 |
887 | 36.4 | 36 | 36.2 |
Also a TapeStation
- A Genomic DNA screentape was run protocol
- Link to report
TapeStation report showed less “smear” or lighting up around the DNA. Looks pretty good high molecular weight DNA! This extraction protocol works well. I emailed Dr. Heather Bracken-Grissom and her lab (works on regular crabs) soaks the tissue in PBS (phosphate buffered saline) before extraction, a few minutes to a few hours. I might try that.
Written on August 3, 2020